Community Champion

Tools with a Mission (Bromsgrove and Redditch) Description of the role You will work within your local community, Church, or community group to promote Tools with a Mission (TWAM) and help raise the funds we need to keep the tools flowing. You will organise events of all kinds or find others to do them for you, from music … Continue reading Community Champion

Community Ambassador

Tools with a Mission (Bromsgrove and Redditch) Description of the role The main role of a Community Ambassador is to speak publicly on behalf of Tools with a Mission (TWAM) and be our public face in their locality. This will mean receiving invitations from a variety of groups wanting a volunteer speaker to talk about … Continue reading Community Ambassador

Church Ambassador

Tools with a Mission (Bromsgrove and Redditch) Description of the role Church Ambassadors play a vital role in the local church on behalf of Tools with a Mission (TWAM). They inform the church of our mission and plans, such as opening new centres and introducing new supported countries. They encourage prayer and distribute TWAM News and our Prayer Diary. They … Continue reading Church Ambassador

Tool Ambassador

Tools with a Mission (Bromsgrove and Redditch) Description of the role Members of the public will contact you via email or phone. We will give you a TWAM email that goes on our website and will only give out your phone number to people who ring our office (because they may not use email). You … Continue reading Tool Ambassador