School Governor

Tudor Grange Academy

Description of the role

Being a Local Governor at Tudor Grange Academy Trust – At Tudor Grange Academy Trust we have established a role for local governors which is somewhat different from other schools. Local governors have terms of reference where they are more friends than critics, according to the phrase ‘critical friends’ which is normally used to describe the role of governors.

At the Trust we have a full-time professional team, the Executive Team, who are constantly monitoring the teaching and learning, safeguarding, attendance and other important functions in all our schools. Local governors hold termly meetings when the principals’ reports are presented and governors have an opportunity to challenge and question any areas they wish, including all the above areas that are covered by our Executive Team. In this way local governors still have an important role in the running of the school.
Local governors at Tudor Grange therefore have more time to devote to supporting our schools. They do this by developing action plans for working with the local community and businesses (including local councillors, police, parish council etc) and also stakeholders (parents, pupils and staff).

These plans will include encouraging local businesses to become more involved in our schools, raising funds for much needed equipment, useful workplace skills and careers information, as well as help with mental health. We also work with parents, staff and students to ensure that we have a coherent school community that supports each other.

We hold 2 meetings per term (each of no more than one and a half hours), that is 6 per year. Further time commitment depends on the availability of individual governors, as some have more time than others. It is a particularly rewarding role to see and help our young people grow and develop and we hope that you will consider joining our team.

Examples of Governor Activity:

  • We provide ‘triangulation’ to ensure that what the senior leadership and Executive teams are telling us match the school situation. So we might arrange for a pupil voice or staff voice panel to ask questions and make sure that the responses correspond with what we are being told
  • We help to raise funds to help broaden the children’s education and experiences (eg for musical instruments, science equipment, extracurricular activities)
  • We encourage local businesses and community representatives to be involved in the school by providing information, work experience, school visits etc
  • We have arranged workshops to help parents in our community

Practical Considerations

  • Most meetings are held in the school, but occasionally members could join on teams (internet software).

Any specific requirements

  • Any Specific requirements can be discussed with the organisation

Where is the opportunity based?

Woodrow Drive, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 7UH

When is the opportunity available?

To be discussed with the organisation

About the organisation

The ethos of the Academy is built around a set of core values;                                    

  • Meeting the needs of every student
  • Quality in all that we do
  • Raising horizons
  • Blending tradition and innovation
  • The whole being greater than the parts
  • Being inclusive and collaborative

Our ethos and values mean that we have high aspirations of our students and expect them to:

  • have pride in our school and themselves
  • show respect and courtesy to others
  • to lead by example and want to inspire others
  • to work hard to achieve their academic best and to
  • get involved in all aspects of school life

Our TUDOR values promote a sense of Citizenship